Has it really been that long? Wow I have kept myself so busy, that I don’t post in my blog. OK well with new year, new changes, and that includes this blog. I will have to take time out to blog on it, what is the point of having it, if I don’t do that. Things change in my life, and I need, no I want to post about it. If only for my own reading pleasure when I am a little old lady and I want to reminisce, oh wait I am old, but not a little old lady yet hehe.
So Happy Valentine’s Day!
So I am doing good on my weight-loss journey, I have to admit, the juicing I have been doing is very hard. I have been tempted many times, and probably always will be. I try to make it up, by juicing a full week, then going to one meal a day and juicing. I had juiced only for a month, 30 days. Now I am on my 2nd set, and have slipped, but determined to do it right.
Yesterday, we did some shopping, and I took the opportunity and bought a few things for William for Valentine’s Day. I wanted to make sure he was there, so he get what he wants, I took him out to lunch. Today he is making dinner, and let me tell you, it is smelling amazing!! I am hungry already!
Anyway that is it for now. I have a lot going on and just wanted to do a quick post. Will update again soon, and again so sorry for my lack of posting, it will get better
The food of love
Valentine’s day is all about sweets, so why not bring some of your favorite tasty treats into the bedroom? For starters, grab a blindfold and put it on your boyfriend or girlfriend. Then take turns feeding your lover delicious and sensual foods, like chocolate covered strawberries or tangy slices of kiwi. Your lover won’t know what’s coming, which adds an element of risk (and excitement) to the game. You can put a fun spin on this by putting some of the foods in your own mouth, and then kissing your significant other. He or she will love tasting the mango juice on your lips and tongue as you kiss passionately. When you’re ready for this game to move on to the next stage, grab a few flavored condoms for some oral fun. This way, you’ll still be incorporating food flavors in your routine.
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