So what is up with that? You think with moving you are stress-free because it is all over. And then suddenly you have more stress. Don’t get me wrong. We are very happy to have moved into our own house which by the way we installed a new insulation from, and have some peace and quiet, unlike before. But I have noticed lately I seem to be getting stressed out. I actually feel like crying at this moment. I know it will pass and I am sure it will. But this can’t be healthy. Or is it normal, to be free of stresses from before, just to acquire new ones? LOL, How sad is that?
Let’s move on. We ordered a new living room set, they were back ordered on one item, so we had to wait an additional 2 weeks, so we did, we got the call that is back and stock and ready for delivery, an additional $160 dollars. This is great right? Yes of course it is Well we had it scheduled for the following week to be delivered. It was never delivered *sigh* we never received a phone call or email letting us they were not going to deliver, boy that was just adding to the stress we are feeling. So William is very upset, I am upset, we reschedule, and the day comes, it is getting close to 4 pm, as they were supposed to deliver between 12-4 pm, and again we begin to worry, we start getting stressed, I couldn’t believe what was going on. Then I see a truck pull up, it was them! Inside I am thinking yay thank goodness. But they never called or anything, I quickly texted William that they are here. They got it all in pretty quick, the one delivery man said they were behind, so I can understand how that goes. But that part was done.
Unfortunately as we were looking around and getting situated we noted some… evidence of pests we’ll call it. We haven’t unpacked all our things so they won’t get contaminated, which is good. We already called a commercial pest control service as well, to come and take care of the problem. We’ll have to wait on the pest control services to come before continuing to get settled here .
After work, William went to pick up our kitchen table that came in as well, so I helped him with the table, and the living room furniture, unpacking, putting legs on the sofa and love seat, after putting together the kitchen table. We love it all, it is gorgeous, but OH MY GOSH, how stressed out this has made us. So lately he has been snapping at me, and I am feeling like I can’t do anything right. I just feel like I need to just be quiet and not say anything. Ugh, I hate this feeling
But all that will pass. We are happy with the furniture. Tomorrow Wednesday, we are off to Ikea to picked up a couple of storage units to match the 2 Alex Drawers I have and a matching desk. My honey placed the order for a new chair, I am getting a white one to match the rest of the units in the room. But I do have to pay that back to him. In all this madness, I was able to go to Dollar Tree and do a little shopping for some things I have seen being hauled, and I wanted I haven’t recorded my video yet, I will probably do that tomorrow, but here are some pictures of my goodies.
I was so super excited when I found the egg holders, did I mention this already lol I was very happy with my finds. You really should visit a Dollar Tree in your area. In case you may think that everything is worth a $1, it isn’t but there are a lot of good things one can pick up that is useful. Well that is it for me, I need to go and do some things around the house and get ready to go to Ikea later. Have a great rest of the week!
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