We have been in our new house for 2 months now, and I still don’t have my room set up. This is because now I realize lol, that I have too many things, and I tend to hold on to things I no longer need, and are not functional, apart from looking pretty lol. I am a girly girl, and well I cannot help that. I am sure many ladies can relate, right??? Lol Besides going through things, I would like to give away to friends, but I don’t because I am on a budget and cannot ship things to everyone for free, I decided the majority will be donated to Salvation Army, it feels good to be able to donate, rather than throw in the garbage. I would encourage everyone to do the same, we can all make a difference and give a little here and there.
Apart from that I have tried to keep my websites updated, but very soon I will be getting back to listing things on Ebay, I have so much stuff to list and hoping to sell, sell, sell. I will be posting my listings on their own page, in the event, someone is interested *wink wink* lol.
I have an older nail tech desk that I want to sell and get a small table to do my nails on because this desk I have here it has the add-on, so it takes away some space, I’ll show a picture below of both items.
This is the nail tech table. This was taken when we first moved in, I quickly took a few pics before moving it to another room, plus my honey had to fix the rollers, actually replaced because they were already messed up when I first bought it, and since it was stationary, we didn’t fix it, but we did, although the screws are long and need to be cut down. Other than that perfect condition, I’m selling it for $100 – $150, hopefully, I can sell it.
It turns out I took a few days to get back to this blog post. Stuff came up. But between, going through boxes, pulling out throw away items, donations, and goodies for giveaways, mI realize I need more bins, so I am going to have to get the kind that I can see into, helps with knowing what is in them. Since my last post, I have done a few videos, which I will leave here for you to watch, and/or visit my YouTube channel
This 1st video is a limited edition Walmart Beauty Box #MeMoment, I loved it!
This one is a BzzAgent.com Campaign for FebrezeONE I have mentioned this website before if you are new feel free to do a search I do get these products for free.
Then this is, of course, a Dollar Tree haul, if you don’t go to Dollar Tree you should, but go with an open mind.
and this last one is my a monthly subscription box, I did cancel all the boxes except Walmart, and now I just subscribed to the CatLady Box, I got the CRAZY CatLdy box, it is exactly as it sounds, a cat themed box, and 2 items for my furbabies, Daisy and Lily! I loved it, I will be posting my May box soon, as June box will be sent out soon, go check this video out!
With that said, I am going to go, relax with my honey, and watch some TV before bed.
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