I have not updated this often. I have been so super busy. I feel like I have a lot of things going on at the same time. And before you know it, poof, the time has elapsed and I ran out of my daily time. Does that happen to you? How do you handle that? I guess the answer is to manage time better. No planning helps me because things pop up that put me behind, so I don’t spend planning things out. It is so hard because when something unexpected comes up, then any planning I did has been all screwed up.
Honestly, the paragraph above was left from the first time I attempted to start a blog post, lol.
Oh boy, I have been gone a long time. Honestly, I have been so super busy at home, and online. I am so sorry for not posting sooner. It is just unbelievable how time flies so fast. So what have I been up to? Shopping, making videos, posting videos to YouTube, check out my youtube channel http://youtube.com/user/prettythingsrock, I try to upload on a regular basis, at least once or twice a week. As for this blog, I was doing fine before, I was consistent with posting at least twice a month, I should do more than that, even if it is just one paragraph. I’ve had this blog long enough to know that in order to keep it alive you need to post more.
With that said, I think I will at the minimum is post my YouTube videos whenever they come out, even if I just include one sentence, obviously because the video speaks for itself LOL. So I will go ahead and post one now
This video is about the Walmart Men’s Grooming Box that they recently offered, it is very similar to the Women’s Beauty Box Walmart offers as well. When this comes around I like to pick one up for my honey, as I don’t see many nice offers like this, take a look at all the goodies that come in the box, and it was only $7.00 USD!
Not a bad deal right??
Summer has been well summer here in Massachusetts, I think in the past I have mentioned that the Summers here on the East Coast are so very different from the ones from the West Coast, I am originally from California, and looking back, oh boy was my Summers kickass lol. The Summers here are super humid (not every day), you get rain, which is something I was not used to in California when it is Summer there, it is truly Summer, hot and yeah humid at times but not a humid as out there. But nonetheless, I try to enjoy the summer here as much as I can. Being we have a new house, I haven’t spend as much time in the backyard as I had liked. I have a thing about privacy lol.
Apart from all the, I have decided to start my diet again as I screwed it all up. You can read more about that on my other blog if you don’t know what URL is, send me a message via the contact form, and I will send you the link. Why don’t I just link it here? Well because I don’t want to for 1, and I want to keep the two separate, perhaps in the future, I may merge them into one.
I think that is it for now. I hope you are all having a wicked cool summer, see you on my next post!
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