A new year, better planning & organizing, selling on ebay and losing weight. Those are pretty much my New Years Resolutions, we will revisit this in December/January see how I am doing. This post sat here unwritten for 2 days, today is January 4th, 2018. I began with my resolutions and look at me still falling into my old ways *kicks self* lol.
Happy New Year everyone. I hope you all had an amazing and memorable holiday. We had a very nice one, even while I was sick for the entire time. At the writing of this post, I still have a cough that is slowing making its way out the door thank goodness. Being sick for the holidays wasn’t fun, but I tried my best to keep the cheer going. Did my home decorating, shopping and all. It was our first Christmas in our new home, so it was exciting! Yesterday we were hit with a blizzard, thank goodness we kept our power, and were able to get through it fine. However, it is still very windy and I hope we don’t lose power *fingers crossed* I will insert some footage I took via Instagram below, of the blizzard, and my honey cleaning up, and then I’ll add pictures of how it looks today before it gets dark.
Ok so what I had planned to do, didn’t quite work out lol. I turned out leaving this blog pending for about a week. I will insert pictures of what I have. See this is one of my resolutions I am really trying to work on. Completing a blog post when I say I will. Ugh!! Come on get it together!!!
My honey is so awesome to go out and shovel some snow, thankfully we have a snowblower that really helps reduce the work and time to clear the driveway. There was really so much snow!!! But I can’t help but love how it looks. Between the two of us, I hope it snows again Shhh don’t tell my honey hehe. I put together a few clips, its a total of 7 mins I hope you don’t mind, just from around the house and on our way out shopping!
And I am going to close with my very first Dollar Tree haul. If you haven’t shopped Dollar Tree you should, NO, not everything is worth a $1 but there is a lot that you can get on the cheap. Check out my video below, and to be notified of more be sure to hit the notification bell.
That is it, I am really trying hard to keep up with videos, this video is a Dollar Tree trip from last Saturday so much for trying to keep up hahah. Anywho, we are going out again tomorrow, new finds to find. My hunt list forever growing lol. Hope you all have a great weekend!
xoxo Emily
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