What do I mean by back on track? Well as you can see I haven’t posted anything since May, and that was an unfinished post. Why is that? Honestly just life, and the fact I didn’t want to hold myself accountable for the weight I put back on. And yes I did put it all back on, all 100 lbs, sad right It is sad because I had hoped that wouldn’t have happened. Read my past posts to understand why.
It is October, and there is a lot going on. Last year and this year has been pretty crazy for us here. Back in April

We never expected this tree to fall it completely took out our stairs going to the back yard, to date we have not had it rebuilt as other things came up.
Yeah, we were not expecting this to happen, we were home, thank goodness because omgosh my cats would have got out, and god knows if we would
So we had to deal with that, then we had a cracked tub the needed replacing so they had to tear up the walls and the floor, my fiance said the heck with it, let us redo the whole bathroom so we did. And that is just another whole ordeal with delays after delays, we seriously were inconvenienced.
I wasn’t kidding when I said it was gutted and completely redone, new tub, tile, floor, sink/vanity, chimney exposed from behind a wall, closet opened up and new shelves put in, new paint just completely redone. It is gorgeous now!
So that was a lot of money going out. Then recently my fiances’ car was acting up, and he didn’t want to put any more money into it, so on Sunday, August 30, 2018, we went out to the car dealer and bought a new car. Well it is a 2018 but new never driven, we are really happy with it. We decided on a Ford Escape SE, it has a lot of cool features! I was leaning towards a gold one, but this color was the only one that had the awesome sunroof that goes all the way to back seats, and it is a 4wd.

If it was sunny out, I would be out there taking pictures. Had to black out the license plate for security reasons. But yeah she is so pretty! This is where we are now.
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that I had a nasty fall down the stairs to the basement. How it happened I don’t know but before I knew it I was beginning to fall. I was taking down an empty plastic laundry hamper and going to turn off the water that goes to the bathroom (that was part of the delays with the renovation of the bathroom), the laundry hamper broke my fall because I could have smacked right into the cement wall at the bottom of the stairs.

See the wall at the end, yeah I tumbled down, landed on my hamper it broke my fall, and it kind of stopped me from bashing my head into that wall. I did still knock my head around while going down, but it could have been so much worse.
Since we
I’m not saying all this is an excuse for going off my dieting, but honestly, I didn’t have time to worry about a diet with all these other things happening. I mean come on, give us a break!
And then my computer suddenly got this error message on it, which so upset me. Because I work on my pc and I need it to be running well. I rely on it so much. I know it is crazy to rely on a machine, but this brings me in money. Not to mention writing in my blog,

I attempted to fix it, but the disc I ordered was for the wrong version of my OS. So for now I am dealing with it being careful to always back my stuff up onto an external drive, just in case. I never save anything to my computer in the event this totally stops working lol. It does on occasion freeze up on me. And the restart takes ages, but I have things I need to do.
I have a few more things to finish, once that is done, I will give it another go. I am so wanting to go to a MAC! I noticed a pattern of bad, bad, bad, good,
We started a vegetable garden this Spring/Summer which yielded lots of cherry tomatoes, cilantro, basil, green bell peppers, we had some romaine lettuce, then a deer we think
So our Spring/Summer has been pretty busy. I just hope now things calm down, and nothing else happens. It has gotten so stressful, I began getting tension headaches, which I have never had. So I need to stress less.
I think that is about all, I will talk about, as it is it was a lot but I wanted to catch you all up on what I was doing all this time. Wish me luck on the dieting.
xoxo Emily
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