Why does getting organized take so much time. You realize how much you have when you do the littles of organizing lol. Even keeping up with my planner takes time. So it is a lot of stuff I try to juggle. Sometimes I think I overwhelm myself so much. I get stressed, and then I get a weird head ache that only affects my left back side, weird, like right behind my ear. Is that possibly from the fall down the basement stairs last year? Gosh I hope not

This is how I feel sometimes, except my hair doesn’t get like that hehe. I am seriously thinking of just donating some nail polishes that I have had for a long time since I have newer polishes now. I really love my OPI, China Glaze, Orly, Essie, Julep, KISS Gel I have a lot of Sinful Colors that I really don’t want to part with, but if I did, I would rather sell the lot to someone that is a big Sinful Color fanatic lol. I love my Color Club polishes too, I can’t part with them, or some gel polishes I have as well. I have 4 acrylic teardrop pallet rack grand, and they are full. I have polishes in drawers, in a bucket, they are in a bucket because I plan to do a video on my KISS Gel Strong polish collection. I think I posted a while back my nail polish racks, I’ll add one now, just a quick look at my collection.

And I haven’t finished setting up my c-stand, because I want to put up the Valentine’s Day decorations up first. So I hope to do that first then I can see what I can do with the c-stand. As it is I have 2 important videos I need to record, edit and post. I feel horrible that I have delayed, oops actually it is 3 videos, oh dear!
It always seems like I am trying to organize, but then other things need to be done first. I do need to consider donating things more, opposed to keeping them and trying to give them away in giveaways, as that costs me too. I am definitely not rich.
Today is Friday, I started this post yesterday evening I believe. My honey is home waiting on someone to come and service our heating. He cancelled yesterday due to an emergency, and today he was suppose to be here like 10 minutes ago, and my honey is here waiting. I hope he texted him, because my honey is taking time off from work waiting for this person.
It keeps me from being able to go out and put up the Valentine’s Day decorations, making my breakfast, and a few other things I wanted to do. It is putting me behind on putting up the rest of my filming equipment (c-stand, attachments and camera). I hope all it is a cleaning and nothin worse *fingers crossed*
Yesterday we had a lot of strong winds, had a quick power outage that lasted like 2 minutes. Yay the man just arrived thankfully. This gives me an opportunity to finish this post. I’m going to leave this post with one o my recent videos, it is a collective haul of different things.
Enjoy and I will be back another day. Have a great weekend.
xoxo Emily
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