My birthday was 6 days ago, it was really nice because I spent it with the person I wanted to spend it with, my husband. My gosh, it’s so weird calling William, my husband. But at the same time, a dream come true. I may not have had a big ideal wedding, but I am happy, and that is what counts. My mother passed away quite a few years ago, so it wouldn’t have been the same. I won’t lie, I would have wanted a bigger wedding, it just didn’t happen and well that is just how the cookie crumbles sometimes. I have the perfect husband, and I will take that over a big wedding any day. He gave me a gorgeous bracelet for my birthday!

Speaking of weddings, my sister-in-law announced her wedding at our little gathering we had to celebrate our nuptials. They plan to have a Las Vegas wedding. She has been married before, I believe her fiance has as well. I don’t think we will be able to attend, as I don’t feel comfortable leaving my girls with just anyone. As no one knows them as I do. I just can’t. I know they will understand.
I have been so super busy lately. I managed to upload a few videos, I do have another I need to try to upload tomorrow so I stay ahead of the game. I dislike falling behind, especially now with the holidays.
I have a few DIYs I am doing. I am also making some birthday gifts for her, I hope she ( my wife) likes them.
I started this yesterday, but today I decided to go back to my older videos and check them to see if they are appealing to kids. And I realized that I was using a Hello Kitty background, which would immediately attract a kid, even though the content itself wouldn’t for the exception of 1 video which I made showing all my Hello Kitty goodies.
Yeah so now, they are all getting deleted because I am not going to get fined hundreds of dollars over a few video, it is really not worth it. I am however, downloading some that I want to keep. Like nail polish swatches, just to see keep with my nail stuff.
I will probably be deleting over 100 videos *sigh* oh well, they don’t get much traffic if any at all. Well that is about all for now. I have a ton to do.
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