I do have reasons though. Reasons for not posting until now. There is so much going on, that I am really not going to get into much of it. Besides the fact I was away from here and YouTube, we did do some DIYing to our bedroom and that took up time because we did do it ourselves, my husband did most of it, bless his heart. We are happy with the results.

Today I have been doing a lot, and I am tired. I don’t feel much like posting but I thought I should write something, let you all know we are doing fine.
We just have been really busy. Plus I had slacked off on my listings, I sold things and sent them out, but I hadn’t been adding stuff, so this week that is what I have been doing.
I did have time to record 2 videos, I thought I was going to be able to post one today, but it doesn’t look like it.
My last video I uploaded!
I had laundry to do, and after I was painting a project I was getting together for St. Patrick’s Day, then I needed to clean out my cats’ water fountain, so it all just took up my time. Fortunately i was able to take and pick up the clothes from the wash and fold laundry service which saved me a lot of time.
And look now, it is 4:40 pm, my husband will be getting out of work soon, so I need to head to the kitchen and get dinner started, I will be back after to finish up here.
I am back, almost 2 hours later. We had a nice dinner. But as I was telling a friend I am so tired now. My husband is going in for 1/2 a day as he has a job he has to work on, he hasn’t worked a Saturday in a long time. He did have Monday off, so now it is like he worked a full week.
Ok so today is Saturday, yeah I just didn’t have the time to finish yesterday. Today we did our weekly shopping, and the time I get to shop at Dollar Tree one of my favorite places to pick things up for crafting and find other cool finds. Like some Hard Candy eyeshadow.

I have purchased nail polish from there, at one time I found OPI, yeah that was a great find! I have bought Pure Ice, Wet n Wild Sally Hansen.
Today my husband called someone to give us a price on cutting down some dead trees that look like wind can knock them down, just to be on the safe side. After our first year here, and the falling of a big tree that took out our deck stairs, we just want to be safe, and those around us as well.
I think that is it for now. Now that the holidays are over and the craziness has calmed down, I think I can resume posting a little more often. I love blogging even if I am the only one that reads it. It is my therapy in a way, I hope you understand.
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