There is 3 weeks until the first day of Fall. Are you excited? I am not that excited, I would have liked more summer, sure we have 3 weeks left. But with the whole pandemic and all, it is hard to really enjoy it as we have in the past. However, we do still do our BBQ, so we have that at least.
Sometimes I think to myself and say “Thank God, I don’t have children”, not because I don’t like children, no. Because I would hate to have them live in the world that way it is now. So much hate. Among all the other things that are going on around the country.
I want to focus on happier things though. I started writing this blog post yesterday, than things came up and it had to go on the back burner as it has many times.
Today is Friday the 4th of September, we are having nice weather, the sun is in out in the 80’s. I fed Lilo early this morning but have not seen Sammy. Lilo and Sammy are 2 stray cats, that I would love to make part of the family. Both myself and William have grown to love them, even though we have not been able to pet them. I pray they let us. Since we moved here, Lilo showed up, and the another black cat that I haven’t seen, and do wonder where he is and if he is ok. Then Sammy showed up, and him and Lilo both are regulars now. Here are some of their photos. I love these 2 boys.
This is Sammy. He is so pretty. I love when I capture him staring straight at me. Lately though, he has been kind of chasing Lilo away, and I don’t like that. I don’t know if it is on purpose or if Lilo is just skittish of other cats as well. I love them both though.
This is Lilo, he looks like my Lily, that is why I named him Lilo LOL. He puts his paw on the plate so he can get the food to come down toward him, I think that is very clever. He has such gorgeous eyes. Some photos came out better because I used different cameras, pictures through a screen aren’t as good with a mobile phone than it is with a DSLR camera.
This is Lily, see how she kind of looks like Lilo. I LOVE this picture of Lily, she has big eyes and is such a gorgeous tortie.
This is my beautiful Siamese, Daisy, she likes being babied, they are spoiled though. And they love it! She is so beautiful.
When I look at their pictures, I know why I love them so much. As for Lilo, and Sammy, my goal is to make them part of this family. I want to give them lots of love because they deserve it.
We are thinking of making some outside shelters for them. I don’t think they will stay together, and that is okay. Maybe try the cooler or bin shelter I see lots of people make, but definitely, before the snow comes. My poor babies have to be out in that weather, it breaks my, heart My inside cats are doing good, but Sammy and Lilo, I do worry about. Wish us luck with that.
If you are interested in putting up one or two outside cat shelters I will leave a few links for you to check out. Please consider it.
There are some, they come with directions which help tremendously. I am sure there are more out there, if you have one, leave it in the comments. Okay that is it for now. I know I talked mostly about cats lol. And that is okay.
As for life, well my husband is still going to work, so that is a blessing. We are safe and healthy, staying away from people including family. Well my husbands family. My family is across the country. But we all keep in touch via emails or texts.
I hope you are all staying safe & healthy. Until next time.
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