We are into Spring, and we have rain, and sunshine, off and on. It has been a hot minute since I last posted. There has been so much going on, and I honestly have not had time to update any of my blogs, but just update my fanlistings so I don’t lose them. I also renewed my domains, so yeah I am still around.
Did I mention in one of my last posts, that I closed my YouTube, yes, indeed I did. I definitely did not have time for that anymore. It felt like a chore, a chore I did not want to do anymore. I am sure some of you can relate? Yes, no? Maybe. Well, it was for me, and as I have told others through the years that when it feels like it is a chore and you are not enjoying it anymore, it is time to move on. And that is what I did.
I still blog, and I have often said I need to get better with that, and I will. I am not much of a “Planner Girl” but I think if I can have some kind of planning, maybe it will help me keep on schedule. I want to blog more, on all my blog sites. I just need to do it.
I recently purchased a few clearance planners from Carpe Diem, really pretty, I picked up first a pink A6 Planner that I saw on MyVipon.com and didn’t realize the binder rings were smaller than what I wanted, now I only picked it up for $6 so yeah I guess it is worth it, but I wanted to add more to the planner.
So I checked YouTube for video reviews on planners, and it leads me to https://carpediemplanners.com where I picked up a Personal Planner, see below.
This is the BLACK BLOSSOM PERSONAL A LA CARTE PLANNER, it is a cute size, I would also like to get a Pocket Planner, but this one is adorable and it was only $7.50, can you believe it. I picked up a few other items such as Inserts, Bookmark Tablet, Dashboard and Pocket Cards, Daily Tracker Tablet, A5 Pockets, Personal Divider Templates, all these were less than I would say $2 each. The catch though is the shipping, it was rather high. But I was happy with my purchases. Check them out here https://carpediemplanners.com/collections/clearance while they last.
I liked the planners so much I made another purchase today, my husband is going to kill me lol. I purchased 2 more Planners, see below.
Aren’t they pretty? The first one is FLORAL DOT A5 A LA CARTE PLANNER, the website shows it as out of stock, it is odd because I remember seeing it out of stock, then when I was putting things in my basket I noticed it was in stock so I added it to my cart, I hope they don’t turn out telling me it is out of stock, I will be very upset. This was $10.00
Then the other one is ROBIN’S EGG PERSONAL A LA CARTE PLANNER, which is another Personal Planner, I may sell it, but I just loved the color, which was only $6.00 with those two planners, I also picked up A5 Fitness Planner Inserts, Bookmark Tablet, A5 Dividers, Faith Mini Sticker Tablet, Horizontal Format Weekly Personal Planner Inserts.
On Mercari.com I found some Faith inserts that I purchased brand new, as the Floral Dot Planner is going to be my Bible verse writing planner. I do monthly challenges and other faith-related things. I thought it would be perfect, it will replace the Pink A6 I spoke about earlier.
Love them, the website didn’t have any so I was happy to find them. I picked up some things from Hobby Lobby, sadly no free shipping, and no more 40% off an item, but I really wanted these items.
I fell in love with the Floral paper pack, it was half-priced at $3.99 so I had to snatch that up, and some more religious items, Stick-a-bilities had their stickers 1/2 off so I picked up 2 packs, they are beautiful stickers, and some other faith black and white stickers I love what they say. Some stencils and some faith devotional inserts as well were on sale so I was happy with my little purchases.
I have a small order of Bible tabs from they were $5.00 each set, so I said yes because my pocketbook is not huge and if I can catch a sale I will. If you are looking for some pretty Bible tabs go to https://thedailygraceco.com/ see below.
What do you think? I think they are very pretty. Now, these are the stock photos, not my photos, I have not received the order yet, they also included a cute tote for free. The sale is still on as of the writing of this post.
I guess I have been on a bit of a shopping spree lol. Well, my cat, “Daisy”, kept me up tonight, I am tired and I am going to try to get some sleep. hopefully my other kitty “Lily” doesn’t try to keep me up too.
Until next time
Stay safe & healthy
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