Here we are into 2022. I pray that this year is better for everyone worldwide. The last 2 years have not been that great, it is insane how much time has gone by since things have gone wacko. I don’t know what other way to put it.
Our Christmas was nice, at home together. I enjoyed my husband’s time off from work, and I know he needed it so much, he works hard, and a lot. So vacation is precious to him. I think he enjoyed it very much.
I spent my time updating my fanlisting script on both my fanlisting collective and my web directory, so they are done, with a few minor issues but fully running. I am happy about that. I had also cut down on some fanlistings and applied for a few more. I may close a few more as well, I have a few ideas.
It is time now to get back to listing and selling things again as I was doing before the holidays kicked in. I have some Christmas decorations to put away, or at least put in a bin then taken down to sort out.
I had donated so many Christmas decorations this past year. And now that Valentine’s Day is coming, I am going to go through those bins and donate some of those as I am trying to keep things simple now, one of my New Years Resolutions is to declutter and donate as much as possible. I have a few old laptops that I no longer need and would like to donate somewhere, I probably can just take them to Salvation Army, however, with the scandal they recently had and breaks my heart that they even had any type of scandal I may take it somewhere else. This quote is from an article I will also link.
The Christian “Salvation Army” found themselves in the middle of a brutal scandal, after it was discovered they were pushing a form of “Critical Race Theory” on their employees. Once word got out, the proverbial poop hit the fan, and the group quickly reversed course, but it was too little, too late for Americans who’ve grown tired of everyone and everything becoming “politicized” by left-wing politics.
So that is that. Yesterday my husband says “What do you want for Valentine’s?” Lol. I know he was playing around because I replied with “It was just Christmas” lol.
I really don’t need anything. I take that back, we all need something right? But I can’t think of anything at the moment. I am sure something will come to mind. Although we want to get new phones, so I think I will turn out telling him, we can just get new phones and that will be that lol. We were supposed to go get them during his vacation but we never did.
My phone has a crack on the lower left, it fell off my table and the corner hit the leg of my camera stand, it is a heavy-duty one that I use over the table, mostly now to take pictures of things I am selling. The legs are wide and steel, yeah so it cracked I was so upset because I am always so careful with my phone. It recently started acting up, I would get a green line at the top. I went as far as resetting the phone, and my phone no longer is getting updates. That is just another way for them to push us to get new phones. So since we both have cracks on our phones, it is time.
I think that is it for me now. I hope you all had a safe and Happy New Year. I will see you next time.
God Bless
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