I am beyond happy today, yesterday I was able to trap Momo, even though I was so nervous, we trapped him while having dinner. As soon as we saw him trapped we ran out and covered the trap so that he would not be too scared, even though I can tell he still was and is. I was scared for him, I wanted him to be seen by a vet so much. Our local animal shelter offers a voucher for the TNR program, to get feral cats spayed or neutered, to help reduce the number of poor kittens being born, and dying out there. I am so glad I had the opportunity to help a cat.
The pictures below are from yesterday August 8, 2022, he is eating in the first photo, and soon after is when the trap is triggered. He looked so scared. In the 2nd and 3rd pictures (below), he may have bit his tongue or lip or something because he was drooling a little and it looked like it had a little blood.

Then after I got him inside the house, he went into the bathroom, I smelled poop, so he may have pooped himself from being so scared, I wanted to be able to clean him, but being feral I knew I couldn’t. I had to leave him like that, I couldn’t see the poop so he may have been sitting in it the whole time last night (see photo below).

He was resting, I left him some water but it did not look like he drank, and he barely had a little tuna last night when we trapped him. But he rested in the quiet room last night.
I planned on putting him downstairs in the basement, but the basement is not air-conditioned, I went down there to start preparing the crate, but oh my goodness, it is so humid down there. I just can’t see myself putting him down there. I don’t know what to do now. I was looking for a portable fan to point in his direction to at least keep him cool, with plenty of water I would check regularly. But I worry that it is going to be too hot, I know he is used to being outside in the heat, so he may be okay. I will see what my husband thinks when we bring him home. I may keep him in the bathroom, even though when that door is closed it is hot, so the only room is the spare room, which I had to keep my other cats out of while he was in.
Oh boy, I don’t know what to do, I know what to do.
Dear Lord, guide me in what I should do, where I should put him while he recovers. I don’t want to have to trap him again, I feel it is so traumatizing. I pray it cools off so that we can have him downstairs.
Today is supposed to be one of the hottest days, and humid as well. So I may have to keep him in the room because I can’t see myself subjecting the cat to that heat downstairs. My cat Lily doesn’t want to stay down there, and she usually naps down there but with the humidity, she is up here.
We will see what happens later. I have to call the vet between 11-12, to see how he is doing, and we may pick him up between 1-2, so I hope he has a good recovery. I’ll post another blog post once he is back home.
God Bless
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