There is so much that has gone on. In my last post, I had Momo in the basement recovering from surgery, I worried a lot about his eye. I feel cats should have all their senses to survive in the wild. Well after a week of recovering, and hoping the medication helped Momo’s eye, it was time to release him. It appeared as if his eye was healing, but after releasing him into our backyard, and keeping an eye on his eye. I didn’t notice it healing up more. I am so sick with worry for Momo, and recapturing him, would be difficult, I would need a different trap to use, more of a drop trap, which is what I should have purchased originally, but it is what it is. And now I am trying to find someone to lend me it or save up to purchase one. In the most recent picture of Momo, his eye looks normal there, but it is just the angle, it is partially closed.
He still comes around and I feed him. However, one of my other ferals, Sammy, he isn’t fixed so he chases Momo away, and sometimes just his presence in the yard is enough to keep poor Momo from coming to eat. So my situation is rough, poor baby, he comes so very hungry, I call out his name often in hopes he hears me and comes to eat. He went almost 5 days without showing up, I was getting very sad over this. Recent pictures of Sammy (below left), and Lilo (below right), I love all 3 boys very much.
You may be wondering why we didn’t keep him, and socialize him. Well, I wanted to, but my husband wasn’t crazy about what the cat could have that can be transmitted to my girls in the house, and it is true. I would have to get him tested, and those tests cost a couple of hundred dollars, we just didn’t have to spare. He sometimes makes a comment about we should have kept him inside, back then it was super hot and humid, and the only place to keep him where he doesn’t have to be confined to the crate is our 3 seasons porch, which has no a/c, and needs work. Then I thought, when winter comes, it will get very cold there. I just didn’t want to keep him there, but oh gosh maybe I should have. A recent photo of my girls together, these types of pictures are precious to me and rare.
It is not an ideal situation, but I really want to socialize him, and he becomes our 3rd in the house. It is so hard to find the funds to get the drop trap, and then save money to get him tested as well. I pray often to the good Lord, to bring me Momo safely to eat, and I continue to pray to him, that Momo come to me and allow me to love him, and allow me to pet him so he can be inside, and happy.
He seemed happy out there, but every night. I wonder if coyotes are going to get him, and that scares me so much. Same for Lilo and Sammy, those are my 3 boys that always come here, and this is their home. I would not be able to leave them if we moved, and my husband knows this too and agrees. So that is the update with Momo.
My husband just had a birthday, Happy Birthday babe!!! It’s late October, we are rolling into the holidays and to be quite honest, I am not ready for them. It has been about 2 years since we spent time with family (Williams family) for the holidays, and I think this year we will be going to spend Christmas time with them. We spent his grandmother’s bday with them, it felt a little odd. The whole COVID thing had drawn lines, and not visiting was part of it, to keep family safe, can you blame us? I am just glad things are getting back to normal, and I think my husband is going to be happy to spend more time with his family, I am as well of course. I miss my family in California.
We just had dinner, and I just want to relax now. I did a lot today. After being sick for almost a whole week, I am getting back into the swing of things, being sick really kicked my butt. I also have to pack up a set of tops I sold. Busy busy, I hope this keeps up, I would like to sell a lot more. So I have to hustle to list more. I hope you all have a great week. Stay safe & healthy.
God Bless
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