I have been busy, but when aren't I right? There just isn't enough time in a day, to do all that you want to do. And even when you are busy, you just have to take some time out for yourself. It is healthy. I recently posted a weigh-in, as recent as today (Jan 19, 2023), depending on when I post this lol. I am happy with those results, although I know they won't always be what I want, all I can do is try my best. It is better than not trying at all. It is raining today, a dreary day. It got colder in my hobby room, and then I realized it was raining. It always gets colder when it rains. I am surprised we haven't got a lot of snow. However, it is normal for us to get a lot of snow from February through March. I am kind of looking forward to it, but at the same time, I am not. I say this because I worry about my feral boys outside. Sammy Continue Reading