The last weigh-in was a little disappointing, especially since it was just the 3rd week in. But I have to say this week is much better, and along the lines of what I am expecting, or close to it. I did what I said I would. I looked at what I have been eating and made adjustments. There are some meals that are homemade, and even though my husband helps me with determining calories for certain meals, I have allowed myself to have extra calories at the end of each day, at the minimum I try at least 100 calories. Just in case. Ok well, let us have a look at the photo now.
I am happy with my results for the week ending January 29, 2023. I always weigh in first thing in the morning on Sundays. Hence why I am wearing my nightgown and slippers. I need to find my cat slippers they are warmer * and cuter, lol. I wore them in past weigh-ins when I was logging my progress. When I have time I will link the pages to the dates on the archives page for each day I logged my weigh-in. I am really happy about losing 2.7 lbs, and even if I don’t expect almost 3 lbs each week, at the minimum I am aiming for 2 lbs. Wish me luck.
I have felt the difference already, amazing how 17.6 lbs in one month can make a bit of difference. I know I will be feeling even better at the end of February. If I remember correctly, my goal was to lose at least 50 lbs by Summer (June), if I keep this pace, I think I will achieve that. After that my goal will be to lose another 50 lbs by December. I don’t think it will happen by my birthday which falls on the first week of December, but I am praying for the end of December. God willing I can do it. Well, that is all for now. Until next time.
God Bless
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