What is pinchme.com? PINCHme is an online destination that lets you try products from leading brands, completely for FREE! All they ask is for your feedback on the products. Every month, an amazing range of free samples are released on PINCHme for members to claim. These samples include pet, grocery, baby, beauty, home and personal care. Be sure to visit PINCHme.com for this month’s Sample Tuesday on April 12th at 12 Noon EST to claim new free samples! That is today!!! Here’s How It Works: Sign up for free now on PINCHme.com Complete your member profile Order free samples relevant to you Give your feedback! Why You Should Sign Up: Try products from leading brands for FREE, all in exchange for your feedback 100% FREE to join, no credit card required Free shipping on all box orders New products each Continue Reading
Happy October 1st, Bring On The Fall~
Wow I cannot believe that summer is really gone, I can't say I'm sad it's gone. Summer was nice for a change, the humidity surprisingly wasn't all that bad this year. Although I have to say we (William and myself) didn't get to do as much as we wanted to this summer. We really wanted to go to the drive in more often, since those are pretty much almost completely obsolete, so it's nice to know we have a couple fairly close, okay maybe 45 mins is not so close, but it's worth going. We didn't get a chance to really go because William had been working so much, I just didn't have it in me to tell him, "Come on lets go". When I know all he probably wanted to do is just relax, have a beer, play a little PS3, but just really relax, not have to go anywhere. This whole summer he worked almost 6 days a week, occasionally 7, and that was just getting Continue Reading
30 Days of Truth: Day 21: (scenario) Your Best Friend Is In a Car Accident and You Two Got Into a Fight An Hour Before. What Do You Do?
It's been awhile since I have done a 30 Days of truth, so here we go. I think if I was notified that my best friend got into a car accident, I think my heart would jump out of my chest, and I would try to keep myself calm, but still feeling very scared. Recently I read that there were 225 fatal crashes in Fort Lauderdale, with an estimated 1800 injured. If my friend was among that number, I don't think I would be making rational decisions as I would be overwhelmed with emotions. Especially if it were something very serious, maybe requiring neurosurgery to fix. How would you handle it, specially if the injuries where that serious? Part of me doesn't even wand to think about it. Still, accidents are a given, and they happen no matter how cautious one may try to be. The responsibilities of owning and driving a car are much greater than one Continue Reading