Wow, I am shocked that I did not notice that my website was down since Nov 2, 2022, due to Jetpack, well I updated Jetpack and it is working again. I am so glad WordPress has a Recovery Mode, which they send a link to when something goes wrong with WordPress, and this helped me out, I am so glad for that. As usual, I have no excuse not to come and update. I update my planner every day, so I should do similar to my blog. This is the only reason I discovered my website was down. The hosting is fine, the domain name is fine, and it was the Jetpack plugin. Apart from that almost terrible incident, things have been going along fine. From my past posts, Momo has been coming around regularly to have a meal or two. I still wish I could swoop him up and bring him in. He has the cutest little meow. He showed up last night at about 11:45 PM, Continue Reading
Is Being Busy An Excuse?
It is for me. I have been so busy, I have not had time to read the Bible. With it being Easter yesterday I decided to spend time reading the Bible. Did I mention I have been reading the Bible? I had to go back and glance at my last post, and yes I have talked about it. The Bible I posted is one I like reading. I love it, it is a beautiful Bible. Since my last post, I have added 4 more Bibles. After researching and visiting a few Christian websites, I learned there are various translations so I became curious. One of my favorite websites is the Blue Letter Bible, I go to it on a regular basis, and they have a smartphone app as well. There is so much content on that website, that it is the only Christian website you will ever need. However, I like to look around through other Christian websites as well. As so many have a lot to offer. I Continue Reading
It Truly Is Fall In MA!
Here are a few pictures of the backyard and how full of leaves it gets. It is chilly today and I am actually wearing jeans and a 3/4 sleeve top, I have my hair down. I usually wear it up during the summer but it keeps my back warm. That is the best part of having long hair. The cat in the picture is Lilo, he is a stray I feed, love him, and would love to be his new mommy. Actually, I think he may be a she. So sometimes I call her Lilo, sometimes I call her Lila lol. I thought maybe the name Molly, but that reminds me of someone that was not so very nice to me. I can't tell if it is a boy or a girl. I can't get close enough, and the tail is down all the time LOL. About a year or two ago, we went into the backyard, made a huge pile of leaves and threw them up in the air and caught it on camera and video, that was so much fun. We Continue Reading