OH EM GEE, the heat is really on now. It's cooking out there lol. Thank goodness we went out early today, to do some shopping. I had a few things I was looking for, and I did manage to find them, although some I didn't or I forgot one or two other things. I try to keep a list of what I am looking for, makes it so much easier than running around the store, and back tracking to find stuff. That is what causes exhaustion, at least it does for my lazy bum hehe. That's it there, among a few other things I picked up. I'm pretty content with what I got, plus I got some packages in the mail today as well, that made me happy! Things I have long been waiting for, but it finally arrives. I think it's a great idea to buy nail related items from ebay, when I first started going on YouTube to search about nail related stuff, I found a lot of people Continue Reading