Wow I can't believe I'm well into book 3 now, I just love the Twilight series, it's so awesome :) Eclipse started out so sad :( but I was literally shocked the way Edward asked her to marry him, my mouth dropped literally, then my eyes got watery, I'm such a softy lol. Okay I'll stop there, sorry if I ruined it for anyone just reading it. Anyway did you all catch the Olympics?? Wow it was so awesome to watch, I was watching something everyday. I loved it, America did wonderful! So did Britain and Russia! We all know China came out on top, they were brilliant! The closing ceremony was really colorful, leave it to China to be creative and colorful like they were. But now the next Olympics will be in 2012, here in England and yes I will be here yay!! I've been keeping up with Big Brother UK, and wow recently this one housemate named Darnell Continue Reading