I was browsing this forum I go to often, and I saw this image that one of my friends on there posted as a status, it was so funny but creepy at the same time because I imagine that happening to me. Hopefully never but you will see, I had a good laugh when I saw it and was compelled to save it and share it. Click the banner below and check out their website. I can’t really share it on Facebook as you can’t really share animated images, nor can you on Twitter, not to my knowledge, but you can on Tumblr so I may go ahead and share there too. Isn’t this the funniest ever? I think the cat was trying to distract him from seeing it crawl around. I just found it so funny! Turns out there is a website dedicated to this cat, which I gave at the top of this post. I think it’s so so silly. I think I’m going to be a regular at this site. Continue Reading
You Don’t Need A Man Or Woman!!
Happy Valentine's Day! That's right it's a Valentine's Day post. But more importantly are those 6-7 words in my title! You really don't need to have a man or a woman in your life, to have a great Valentine's day. There are so many ways to spread love, with friends, other family members, and yes even strangers!! A random act of kindness goes a long way. You can do some blog hopping, and stumble upon someones blog and leave them a super cool comment, that will make their day. You may not know if you did, but what if you did? Wouldn't that be amazing? A good feeling I would think. If someones blog is one of those 'I hate Valentine's Day', 'It just another day', 'We don't celebrate it', 'I am single today', etc. Well maybe a nice comment can make that person feel a lot better. I hope to spread the love today :) Moving along now. Did you Continue Reading