Well here I am, I weighed in this morning, which I feel is the best time to do it. According to this article, I read online. I have to say I was very disappointed with what I see. I thought back to my week, and though I think I did pretty well, all week I stayed under my 1460 calorie intake, so why did I gain weight? That just didn’t make sense to me. I said oh well, I have to re-evaluate what I am doing, how I am eating, and cut back even more. It was disappointing, I just couldn’t understand. From what the scale said, I gained about 3 lbs, and that is a lot!!! I was mad, sad, discouraged (for about a second), and just confused. I thought okay, no point in crying over it. Moving on. About an hour ago, I got curious to see if my weight changed any, and I thought this because I noticed I had to use the bathroom about 9 times today, Continue Reading