Who doesn't love dogs, well I suppose there are some people that don't like dogs or cats or any kind of pets. I do, even though I don't have any dogs, we did have a dog, but he passed away like 2 years ago :( I know sad. But on the bright side, I do have a pet fish, and his name is Dexter and I really need to clean his tank out like today! So once I'm done here, I'm going to do that. Right so I got this awesome package like earlier this week. I'm still going to make a video I haven't yet, but I'm going to snap a few pictures to show you what goodies are in it. I know I said I don't have a dog, so your wondering, what the hell does she want that for? Hah! My sister has pets, she lives in California, and she has some cute dogs and I think one cat, but mostly dogs, and I know they would love the goodies from the MK Treat Truck and I'm sure Continue Reading
30 Days Of Truth: Day 5
Well I don't know what is up with me. I just felt like doing another one of these yay! Haha, I wish I could put sound effects to my blog, so when you see 'yay', you can also hear it, yeah it would get annoying after awhile, then again I don't do it much, maybe once in a blog post. Okay here goes with Day 5! Question: Something you hope to do in your life. Wow, well I'm getting way way hehe, up there in age, and it's probably too late to even go there, but I have wanted to have a baby, and I just haven't been able to. I'm broken, but I'm living with it. Have not seen a doctor about it, figured, if the good Lord didn't want me to have one, then he has his reasons. Is that dumb to think like that? I don't know, maybe. But it is, what it is. William, has no children either, and believe me I have seen him first hand with his niece Continue Reading
What’s ordinary about it?
I was going to say this is just another ordinary day, but really what is ordinary? Or does it depend on the person? I don't know, but this day may be ordinary to me, compared to how it should be. Anyway forget about all that. I'm currently trying to play catch up, seems like I am always doing that lol. I'm checking for new submission for screenshot exchange, and also approving links at list-me.com because I do need to stay on top of that at least its the most active site of all my sites. I was going to log in or maybe I did and don't remember logging into facebook, but I usually will log in and leave the page open while I do other stuff lmao. I try to multi-task a lot lol. So I am going back and forth to each page doing a little haha. It's fun and makes the time pass :P and not to mention being a bit bored. Oh yeah I changed the theme Continue Reading