Today I finally decided to catch up with the finale of the Biggest Loser, and boy was I totally shocked!! I’m all about getting healthy, losing weight, and all that jazz. But losing TOO much weight is not right, it’s unhealthy, and really what kind of a message is being sent to those kids out there that watch the show? And that idolizes some of these contestants? I was looking at the chatter on Twitter, and there was someone that said, Rachel is her idol, I thought OMG seriously, last week's episode maybe but not today, I’m sorry this is my opinion but she lost way too much weight. Before she always spoke about being an athlete and all, but now she doesn’t look like an athlete, I hate to say this but it’s my honest opinion, she looks anorexic, and it’s harsh I know. It’s horrible, but she went overboard, look at the reactions of the Continue Reading
Dieting and Me!
I was not one to ever stick to a diet, when I was younger, my mom tried things, but I wasn't happy with them, and/or I just didn't have the will power. So why now you must ask? I honestly should of did this a very long time ago, when I didn't get as overweight as I did. I'm ashamed about that, but you know - it is, what it is! I can't complain, cry, bitch or even blame anyone but myself. So I hold myself responsible. So why now? Well I'm overweight, and I need to put an end to it. My boyfriend loved me as a big girl, still does and is 100% supportive, my sister is proud of me, and above all. I am proud of myself. I will spare details really. But I am not taking anything special, or going to a dietician, or anything like that. I just decided to see how many calories I am suppose to be consuming. I really didn't know where to go, so I Continue Reading