Hello. I am still alive :). I have just been super busy. It is fall, but today we are having temp of 80 F it hasn't gotten there yet, so we shall see. My husband's birthday was yesterday, I took him out to dinner and did a little shopping afterward. It is always hard to get him something because he always tells me he doesn't need anything. But I'm glad I told him to let's go to Ollie's, and he saw a fall jacket he wanted so we got that for him, it fits him great, and is using it daily. I don't recall if I talked about Oreo, a sweet, very friendly cat. I just adore him. I must have because he showed up last November. I'll post a picture of him. This sweet boy is Oreo. I just love him. Last week on Tuesday he didn't show up. He always shows up in the morning for breakfast. I got worried that he hadn't been waiting on the deck Continue Reading
Momo’s Doing Well, Holidays & COVID
There is so much that has gone on. In my last post, I had Momo in the basement recovering from surgery, I worried a lot about his eye. I feel cats should have all their senses to survive in the wild. Well after a week of recovering, and hoping the medication helped Momo's eye, it was time to release him. It appeared as if his eye was healing, but after releasing him into our backyard, and keeping an eye on his eye. I didn't notice it healing up more. I am so sick with worry for Momo, and recapturing him, would be difficult, I would need a different trap to use, more of a drop trap, which is what I should have purchased originally, but it is what it is. And now I am trying to find someone to lend me it or save up to purchase one. In the most recent picture of Momo, his eye looks normal there, but it is just the angle, it is partially Continue Reading
It’s almost Christmas, wow!
I am wowed by the thought of how fast time sped up from my last post in September to now in mid-December. Wow. Just Wow! I get so busy, that it flew by. I actually was very busy updating all my fanlistings over at Thislove.nu, that is where I keep all my fanlisting, just things that I like a lot, made into mini websites, and also other fanlistings other people run that I also like, it can be just about anything from coffee, to cats, to songs such as Amazing Grace. My script was outdated and so was my PHP, as a matter of fact, I just updated the PHP version on this website so it is more secure. So all that had me pretty busy. And to be completely honest, I paid the price by slacking in other areas that need my attention. Since it is Christmas time, I wanted to share a fanlisting I created for the short film A Charlie Brown Christmas, I Continue Reading