I have been busy, but when aren't I right? There just isn't enough time in a day, to do all that you want to do. And even when you are busy, you just have to take some time out for yourself. It is healthy. I recently posted a weigh-in, as recent as today (Jan 19, 2023), depending on when I post this lol. I am happy with those results, although I know they won't always be what I want, all I can do is try my best. It is better than not trying at all. It is raining today, a dreary day. It got colder in my hobby room, and then I realized it was raining. It always gets colder when it rains. I am surprised we haven't got a lot of snow. However, it is normal for us to get a lot of snow from February through March. I am kind of looking forward to it, but at the same time, I am not. I say this because I worry about my feral boys outside. Sammy Continue Reading
We Are Moving!! Yes We Are!
How exciting is that? We are finally moving. I think I have talked about it many times, then it didn't happen, but this time it is going to happen. We are locked into a house, and we are so so very excited. After looking at so many options, and getting a lot of help. Finally we settled on one of the Essex homes, which funnily enough was one of the first options we took a look at. Not saying much more, apart from that I will be very busy packing, and the first room I am currently working on is the hobby/storage/nail/crafting room lol. Just about everything is in here, so I have a big job ahead of me. I am going to try to keep up with my YouTube videos, and blogging while I do this, but as you can see it has been awhile since I posted on my blog. Hopefully, I don't make the gaps to big in between blogging. I think I will try to get a Continue Reading
Happy Valentine’s Day and OH MY GOSH!!!
Has it really been that long? Wow I have kept myself so busy, that I don't post in my blog. OK well with new year, new changes, and that includes this blog. I will have to take time out to blog on it, what is the point of having it, if I don't do that. Things change in my life, and I need, no I want to post about it. If only for my own reading pleasure when I am a little old lady and I want to reminisce, oh wait I am old, but not a little old lady yet hehe. So Happy Valentine's Day! So I am doing good on my weight-loss journey, I have to admit, the juicing I have been doing is very hard. I have been tempted many times, and probably always will be. I try to make it up, by juicing a full week, then going to one meal a day and juicing. I had juiced only for a month, 30 days. Now I am on my 2nd set, and have slipped, but determined to do Continue Reading