Ahh what a time to blog. But I figured I should. I'm not feeling the best at the moment so this may turn out to be either postponed on posting it, or just very short. Anyway so I have been busy doing my eBay thing. I sold like 5 items just the other day, and another last night but the guy has to pay for it before I even prepare it for shipping. Same guy asked for a discount and I told him I couldn't give any more of a discount than I had. He turned out buying it anyway. So my friend Alice is coming for another visit on her way back to England. Hopefully this time around it's a more positive and fun visit. Not saying last time it was horrible because it wasn't. She just wasn't here as much, she was visiting a lot of family and friends. I do look forward to taking a holiday back to England, I can't wait for that. I'm hoping this weekend Continue Reading
Crazy Busy
Yeah I have not been doing much posting here, but I have been online. Doing my eBay thing, and taking care of a lot of other things. Tried to get this room sorted, as it was full of boxed up things, mostly my eBay stuff, packaging, and things I am selling. Just really glad that's just about sorted. There is a few boxes left, but we need a new bookshelf to hold a lot of Williams books. So those boxes are still in the room, a few under my eBay table, just in places where they won't really be in the way. So I got a comment the other day, from an anonymous commenter, let me say, don't be shy to leave your name, it's not like I'm going to trash you, but I wasn't going to waste my time posting your comment either. Anyway this 'anonymous' commenter stated that on my Screenshot Exchange I don't allow people to join that use pagebuilders, and Continue Reading
Pre-ordered Breaking Dawn!
I get so frustrated sometimes when trying to find an answer to something that should be easy. I've currently been trying to upgrade my script and convert my fanlistings from fanbase to enthusiasts, and well the only problem I have at the moment is trying to figure out what version I'm running, because to be honest I think I can recall only one upgrade. So now I have to wait for an answer, and meanwhile two of my fanlistings no one can join. I mean converting from fanbase to enthusiasts has nothing to do with upgrading enthusiast itself, but I wanted to upgrade that first, then do the conversion. So I'm just waiting around, hoping someone answers my question on codegrrl. If anyone knows how to find out what version of enthusiast is running, please comment. You'd be helping me move along with my conversion and upgrade. Finally got a Continue Reading