I can have patience at times, but other times, it have none what so ever. Is it an age thing? Or is it just all the BS we had to live with, that you get to a point when 'Enough is enough'? I could be both in some cases. I have seen that over the years my patience has grown shorter. But I think about the things that I lose my patience with, and I think to myself, 'My gosh, how can they be so stupid? It's common sense!', I know I shouldn't think like that, but sometimes I do. I'll be honest, it has happened many times. I try to walk away when that happens to cool down. I hate stupid people, and you know, it's not that they are stupid, not at all, it's that I don't have the patience like I used to. I hope to get a grip on that, and really to be honest, I think it happens when I'm doing a lot of stuff, and I have my mind set on something, Continue Reading