That sums it up. I love Spring don't get me wrong, I loved it more when I lived in California and I was actually able to enjoy it heh. Spring here is different, it is wet lol. We get a lot of rain, a day or so of just cloudy days, and then a day or so of very sunny ideal Spring weather. I would never leave here without my honey, it is home regardless of the weather. Moving along, below are some DIYs I did that I will talk about in my blog, they were so much fun to do. I had such awesome inspiration, and tutorials. This Easter was raining and I hope the kids got to go somewhere it wasn't raining to enjoy an Easter Egg Hunt. Because I cannot picture them out in the rain looking for eggs. That does not sound like it would be fun. Hey, at least it is not snowing. I have been a bit MIA lately. I was busy, to be honest. Rushing to Continue Reading