I am wowed by the thought of how fast time sped up from my last post in September to now in mid-December. Wow. Just Wow! I get so busy, that it flew by. I actually was very busy updating all my fanlistings over at Thislove.nu, that is where I keep all my fanlisting, just things that I like a lot, made into mini websites, and also other fanlistings other people run that I also like, it can be just about anything from coffee, to cats, to songs such as Amazing Grace. My script was outdated and so was my PHP, as a matter of fact, I just updated the PHP version on this website so it is more secure. So all that had me pretty busy. And to be completely honest, I paid the price by slacking in other areas that need my attention. Since it is Christmas time, I wanted to share a fanlisting I created for the short film A Charlie Brown Christmas, I Continue Reading
I Am So Guilty!
I have been MIA, I have been so busy, with getting married, then putting off the reception until this past weekend, and in between setting up my other YouTube channel, while still posting on my 1st YouTube channel, just super busy. I probably could have written a short blog, but I just couldn't get around to it. Forgive me. As I mentioned we got married in May, and this past weekend we had his family over for a BBQ (reception). It went really well, it was their first time visiting our quaint little home, and they loved it. The weather was great a little hot at times, but inside it was cooler, especially for Williams grandmother who is now my grandmother, she is quite a person, funny too. They were so sweet and gave us wedding cards, and omgosh they were so generous, everyone was amazingly too generous which btw they didn't have to Continue Reading
Happy Easter !
A quick stop here to say Happy Easter to everyone. I hope you are enjoy this amazing day with your loved ones! All mine are in California, but they all know I love them, and have them in my thoughts always. Please don't forget the true meaning of Easter! With that said, have a great rest of the day, and a great week ahead! Continue Reading