We are having terrible weather on this Mother's Day, however, that is not taking away from it being Mother's Day. I choose to stay home today, as my honey took his mother to visit his Grandmother. She's been dealing with some heavy stuff these days with the nursing home case, so we have tried our best to support her and keep her company. At her age it must be scary to have to deal with things alone. We were able to find a good nursing home abuse attorney that comes well recommended. They're a friend of a friend, and they're taking good care of us. The old lady doesn't always know exactly what's going on but we try our best to tell her she doesn't need to worry about things too much, and we'll let her know when her input is needed. She already suffered enough, I can't imagine dealing with someone being abusive while being old and alone in Continue Reading
Remember Those That Served – Thank you!
Thank you so very much! To each and every person , man or woman, who has served, is serving and will serve to protect us. Thank you so much for putting your life before ours, for keeping us safe, keeping the children of the future safe. I don't think it is ever possible to tell you enough thank you's. So many people do not realise what you all have done to keep us safe. Many will learn and respect you in time. I'd like to thank my two brothers, Eric and Omar, who served in the Air Force and Navy, respectively, thank you for serving. I love and miss you guys. I think the younger generations are beginning to understand more and more what these men and women have done for us all. If you are out and about and see a veteran, thank them, don't wait for Veterans day to thank them. If it wasn't for them, we wouldn't be Continue Reading
Happy Thanksgiving
It's upon us, it's like tomorrow! Yeah Thanksgiving. This year we are going to Williams uncle Steve's house to have a super nice Thanksgiving dinner. I have never been there, so I will feel awkward as I usually do lol. I had a blouse picked out for Thanksgiving, I tried it on last night, and didn't like how it looked, so I was a bit disappointed about that. So have to pick another, which I'm okay with, it's a cheery looking blouse. Hope it's not too cold tomorrow or I'll freeze my ass off in it. I have been wanting to get another coat, for just going out, not really being in the snow or anything. Like going to dinner, and taking it off in a restaurant or house, you know what I mean. We ladies seem to want a coat for every occasion hehe. So anyway, since I may not be home much of the day tomorrow, to be quite honest I don't even know Continue Reading