It came so quick, I wasn't even thinking. My birthday week really should have started Monday, but since Monday was still November, it didn't feel like it much. Now that it is December 1st, it does lol, even though it is only 3 days away, wow right? So much for a weeks worth of birthday stuff haha. I know a few people that have a birthday this week, well this month actually. I told a Facebook friend, I should change it to birthday month but that is getting to be too much. By the time we are into the 3rd week of December, no one is thinking birthdays anymore, it is all about Christmas :) Speaking of this year we are going to Boston I think for Christmas dinner, which won't be on Christmas it will be like the week before, we have been doing that for a few years now. Someone hosts it at their house. We don't live in a house, just a Continue Reading