My birthday was 6 days ago, it was really nice because I spent it with the person I wanted to spend it with, my husband. My gosh, it's so weird calling William, my husband. But at the same time, a dream come true. I may not have had a big ideal wedding, but I am happy, and that is what counts. My mother passed away quite a few years ago, so it wouldn't have been the same. I won't lie, I would have wanted a bigger wedding, it just didn't happen and well that is just how the cookie crumbles sometimes. I have the perfect husband, and I will take that over a big wedding any day. He gave me a gorgeous bracelet for my birthday! Speaking of weddings, my sister-in-law announced her wedding at our little gathering we had to celebrate our nuptials. They plan to have a Las Vegas wedding. She has been married before, I believe her fiance has as Continue Reading
My Mind Is In A Fog
I woke up at around 5 am to feed my girls, (Daisy and Lily) my cats, yes I am a fur mommy. They won't let you sleep if you don't tend to them. I love my girls though, so I am happy to get up and feed them. You rarely find one without the other, 2 peas in a pod :) I decide to stay up, as I had a couple of packages to get out to the post today, and since my fiance was going to the post office anyway I asked him to take it for me. Normally it would be an Ebay sale but this time it wasn't, it was a couple of prizes I needed to send out for winners in my YouTube channel giveaways. Speaking of YouTube, I think I will share my last 2 Dollar Tree hauls. I am always amazed at what they sell there, not everything is worth a buck, but I have found some gems. Actually, Dollar Tree is a great place to buy a lot of things, gift bags, Continue Reading
What a Crazy, Busy, Happy Week/Month!
Wow, so my birthday was last week, in case anyone forgot lol. Which probably some did. Others can give 2 shits, but whatever *rolls eyes*. I had a very nice birthday week, online and offline. My honey always made it so special, all week long, bless his little heart! And my 2 girls, Daisy and Lily, they showered me with love, but that is an everyday thing, and I return the love as well. My honey asked me if I wanted to go to Olive Garden for my birthday dinner, but instead, we had Chinese, as it has been a long time since we had any. While we were out, we stopped at our favorite Chinese restaurant, China Lake in Somerset, Massachusetts. OH EM GEE, amazing food. We turned out getting enough for the next day as well, so it was awesome! I wanted to just be home with him and the girls, cozy and warm. Which is what we did. So I was very Continue Reading