We are well into the new year now, and what happens, like so many others, I get a cold! Yuck, stuffy nose, running nose, sneezing, coughing. The worst is at night while sleeping and your nose plugs up, and you have to breathe from your mouth, you get cotton mouth. I slept terribly. Plus when I did breathe a bit through a nostril, my nose started to hurt, I don't know why, it just did. So back to breathing from my mouth, ugh, I hate it. To top if off, the monthly monster had to come right when I catch this cold. William gave me it, and I think I just gave it back to him. I hope not. He told me, take the Vicks Sinex, it works. I refused last night, but today I used it. I'm up and around and don't stay stuffed up as often, the true test will be at night, which I will be using it. I should've listened to him. Throughout the day I kept Continue Reading
Don’t Be Such A Big Tease!
Did Mother Nature fool us again? Just when you thought, 'Wow Spring is here', we get hit with cloudy days, cold nights and possibly some rain! Come on my dearest Mother Nature, give us a some warm sunny days. I'm sure they will come eventually, but how about now? Don't be a big tease! Seriously, just when I'm telling William, "Heck yeah I'm ready for some BBQing", then suddenly the weather changes. I put on a sweater, close the windows and I'll probably pop on the heater so I stay warm! What a disappointment. I know what you are thinking? Why can't she just be patient? I don't have an answer!! Okay yes I do, and I already gave it in this post lol, but I will try to be a bit more patient *puts on sweater* I know the weather out here in Massachusetts, is going to be chilly, because the air is dry, and I get zapped every time I touch a Continue Reading
Hello November
Gosh October has just flown by. Where does time go? It goes way too fast, and I seem to always say this. So the last few days, I have been feeling miserable, with this cold & cough that won't go away, it sucks so badly. I'll get over it soon. William my sweet boyfriend has been so good, taking care of me. I hope he don't catch it. See boyfriends are good for something. No I'm kidding, they are good for so many wonderful things, and my baby has a lot of love to give, and vice versa. So I finally put kiss-me.org and on a closed status as I have moved my website to another domain, finally I can't believe I did it. And list-me.com is under construction, finally did that too, I really want to upgrade the script, and I'm finally starting the stages into doing that. I can't be 100% sure that I will be able to keep everyone listed, I'm Continue Reading