Can you believe how fast this year has gone? And oh my goodness so much craziness going on. We really need our nation to heal. What is happening is unacceptable. I don't like talking about politics too much, but I just want the truth to come out, whatever it may be. God help us all. On a happier note. I am starting to see houses with Christmas lights, it is a time for cheer and we all need it badly. We aren't going to put up many lights this year, but we will be putting up a Christmas tree. We cannot have a real tree because we have cats, and if you have cats you shouldn't either. Please don't put a real tree, this is very dangerous for cats and dogs. I'll leave a link to a good article, please use good judgment, we all want a happy and safe Christmas. Continue Reading
Happy December & Happy Holidays!
Wow can you believe it? It's already here, December!! Wow! Have you started your Christmas shopping? We have, thank goodness. I didn't run out in the craze of Black Friday though, the boyfriend could not deal with all that noise lol. Yeah, I don't blame him. In the news some guy threatened to shoot another, what the hell is this guy thinking? Really for a TV, my gosh guy get a life, seriously! It comes so fast, it's just unbelievable. It was Halloween not long ago, and then Thanksgiving, before we know it, it will be summer again lol. Yeah it goes that quick. I'm looking forward to late spring, we are moving then!! Yay! So I have been behind with my subscriptions. So I am going to just show you what I got, and leave a link for you to check them out. So here is my November Ipsy Glam Bag, I loved it!! Interested go check them out at Continue Reading