I'm not even sure how to start this, I would like to touch on both subjects, but I will just get angry and go on a rant which I don't want to do. Quickly, Politics sucks, Politicians, they are all crooks one way or another, enough said. Whatever, I'm not going any further into that. As for religion, well what can I say? There are many of them. I was baptised Catholic, am I practicing? No. Why? Well I can't say I don't believe in things, because I do. When I say things I mean Heaven and Hell, it does exist, some think we are living in it, but I don't think we are. I think Hell is much much worse than this. Heaven? I have no clue, I don't try to imagine either any more. When I was a kid I did. I was a devoted Catholic, well mainly because of the parents, they took us to church did all that stuff. Then it slowed down, probably because my Continue Reading
30 Days Of Truth: Day 16: Someone Or Something You Definitely Could Live Without
It's about time to get back to 30 Days of Truth, I spread them out so they don't seem so repetitive, this question is similar to the last one in a way isn't it? Although with this question I am not going to just try to pick one thing, it's going to be generalised, basically I can live without many things, such as Hate and Racism being at the top of the list, I can include Taxes, Depression, Suicide, Child Pornography, you kind of see where I am going now? I think a lot of people would agree with that. Food wise, I would say Liver, as I don't like it that much, actually I don't like it at all, I don't eat it. But then I thought, if my food supply was cut off, and that is all I had to sustain my life, then you bet I would eat it lol. Day 16: Someone Or Something You Definitely Could Live Without Let me take a stab at 'Someone' I could Continue Reading
30 Days Of Truth: Day 15: Something Or Someone You Couldn’t Live Without, Because You’ve Tried Living Without It
Wow this can go either way, I can talk about what gadget/person I can't live without, hmm what shall I do? Maybe touch on both? I honestly do not think, but if I had to, I would can live without my wonderful beautiful mobile phone Nexus, it's not bulky it can fit in my hand, and my bag. Opposed to a laptop which I adore but it is bulky, and I can do a lot of things on my phone that I can do on my laptop, communicate with people, which is something I have the need for, who doesn't? Photos, oh gosh yeah lots of photos, endless photo taking! I remember when I dropped my old Blackberry in water, and I swore it was not going to work, I read that dropping it in water it would destroy it, well I was so lucky, that baby held on for me until we got our upgrade. It did me good, but I needed to move on. I'm going a bit off topic here, but what I Continue Reading