I don't read as much as I should to be quite honest. I think we all should read more than watching TV or being online, although a lot of people read online, so I suppose that is reading in a form. When I say read, I mean away from the computer, but then again on that note. I use my NOOK heh. Which makes it easier to hold if it's a thick book I'm reading, or hardcover, those can be heavy as well. Being that this 30 Days of truth, and I'm not sure if I will be able to answer that question because my taste in books, well I suppose they can change my views on things heh, in a scary sort of way. Day 17: A Book You’ve Read That Changed Your Views On Something I read the book by Dean Koontz called False Memory, it's been quite a few years since I read the book. This is what the website says about the book. You can read a plot summary of it Continue Reading