This is rather a little scary on my part, because honestly I have never been in an area, direct area pretty much of a hurricane, and I'm hearing his one is going to be pretty bad, probably worse in some areas, but today we were out, and people are really buying stuff to be prepared. Survival type of stuff, I mean we picked up a few things as well like an ice chest, since we didn't have one, as the power may go out, and we don't want our freezer items to spoil, so it's one of those 'just in case' type of deals! So I've heard a lot about hurricane Irene, she is suppose to be really nasty in some parts, I really pray that no one is hurt, much less die, and I hope the places they may get hit the hardest are super prepared. I know everyone is hearing about it everywhere so I should really stop now lol. Just one last thing, have you ever Continue Reading
Super Pooped
Omg we went on a shopping trip to Target, yes I love shopping there, always get great deals, saved like $40, which is fantastic, if you use a combination of coupons, Target and Manufacturer, no we are not extreme shoppers, but we will save where we can, and I try to almost always use coupons when I go shopping, for everything even clothing, heck I even got a coupon for $2 off a pair of jeans for Women or Men, that's pretty cool! And to top that off, find things on sale or clearance, woohoo go us!! We also popped into Walgreens and CVS for a few little items, but the biggest shop was Target, I am so pooped! Oh I am so happy, my collective has finally been moved yay. I don't have a layout put up yet, but I will try to be working on that ASAP, as I want to move the rest of my listing, I had only done my fan listing, but now I have name Continue Reading
I’m Not MIA, Not Really
I know it seems like I have been missing in action. I have been here, just under the radar. Been so busy with what seems like a million things, that when I finally get around to finishing one thing, it seems my time has expired, now that sucks. I blame it on Drop Dead Diva, this week I had been catching up with the show, today I finally finished season two, and wow what an ending to that, I can't wait for the new season, and I don't have long to wait, just until June I believe is what I heard, I could be wrong, and you can correct me if I am. I love that show, it's so fresh and quirky, makes me laugh and cry, and believe in true love. Ahh love! *thinks about William* hehe I have so much internet stuff to do, I am seriously considering closing down, I know I said I wouldn't be seriously I don't want to keep paying for it, if Continue Reading