This kitten showed up about 6 months ago and didn't really start coming around every day until about 3 months ago. The first time I saw him, he was so tiny, I saw him through my kitchen window, and I tried to snap a picture it didn't come out great, but you could see how small he was then. As with all the outside cats, dogs, or wild animals, I take the best pictures I can, as it is at random times, and most times are through windows. I keep a folder on my computer for each cat, and I name the ones that frequent the most, those are Lilo (saw him first, adorable Tortie), then Sammy (he was a teen cat then, he looks like a Ginger), and now Momo (a cute Ginger), they all seem to be boys. As I was saying, Momo, started to come around frequently, the first time I saw him he was tiny it was through the kitchen window and looked horrible but Continue Reading
There Seems To Be No End To Things
I am just going to try to do a little catch-up since my last post. I think there is a lot of the same going on in my life. I am working on my little reselling business. I am trying to get into doing some transcription or captioning work. I am waiting to hear back from therm, but meanwhile, I continue with reselling and look into other companies for transcribing/captioning. We'll see how that goes. I am up to date with my fanlistings, I have backed off on making more of those, on the contrary, I want to close some, some that I have had, and are not having many members. Sometimes I lose interest, but then that interest peaks again. I recently picked up a mechanical keyboard that lights up when I type, it is pretty cute. It is pretty easy to get used to it, after typing on a whisper-quiet keyboard. I originally wanted the pink one but Continue Reading
It’s almost Christmas, wow!
I am wowed by the thought of how fast time sped up from my last post in September to now in mid-December. Wow. Just Wow! I get so busy, that it flew by. I actually was very busy updating all my fanlistings over at, that is where I keep all my fanlisting, just things that I like a lot, made into mini websites, and also other fanlistings other people run that I also like, it can be just about anything from coffee, to cats, to songs such as Amazing Grace. My script was outdated and so was my PHP, as a matter of fact, I just updated the PHP version on this website so it is more secure. So all that had me pretty busy. And to be completely honest, I paid the price by slacking in other areas that need my attention. Since it is Christmas time, I wanted to share a fanlisting I created for the short film A Charlie Brown Christmas, I Continue Reading