Wow it comes so quickly, it's like a slap in the face *bam* it's Mother's Day hehe. It's NOT a bad thing, not at all, time just flies so quickly, I think the older we get, the faster it speeds by us. So anyway moving on. I hope all the mothers out there are having a lovely day. There are those that have lost their mothers, including myself, believe me she is never out of my mind, I think of her often, I think it's hardest, when the holidays roll around, especially her birthday and Mother's Day, and of course Christmas, as we know that is when family gather around the Christmas tree. Oh how I miss you so so very much mom! I love you, thank you for giving me life, and giving me all the years of having an incredible mother, you showed me how to love. I love you and miss you! And of course we cannot forgot those who have been selfless and Continue Reading