We are in June, and the weather is nice, at least it is today. Sometimes it rains, but that seems to be a normal thing for my area. Great weather is wonderful, but having a fridge break down isn't. We were able to save most of the food, but we did lose a few things. I would say we went for almost a week, maybe 5 days using an ice box. We borrowed my sister-in-law's, and the only thing they forgot to put in it, was the plug, so the water wouldn't leak out. We managed though, we had to regularly drain the water outside. My husband happened to run into her at the grocery store, so that was a good thing. Her igloo was huge, and it was perfect for us to have what we needed in the kitchen. My husband ordered 2 fridges, one downstairs in the basement, for overflow groceries. We already have a deep freezer, but sometimes that gets maxed, and with Continue Reading
Wow, August Already?
For the last two weeks, really since May 2023, we have had a bad internet connection. But the last two weeks have been horrible, most of the time seemed like downtime. It got to a point I needed to call Verizon and find out what was happening. I tried numerous times to restart the router and troubleshoot via the Verizon app which they recommend. Then I tried a chat session, the first time we got disconnected due to doing it via my computer, I should have known better. But then I tried again via computer, and the same thing happened. I was pretty upset. I finally decided to try the chat session via my browser on my phone and have it on data only. Well, when the rep needed me to go to my browser and do a speed test, we got disconnected. I was fuming by this time, but trying to keep my cool. I then decided to call and went through everything Continue Reading
Weigh-in #17 – I’ve Been So Busy!
I have literally been so busy, I didn't get a chance to write in my journal this week!! Let alone blog a post. Wow, I need to manage my time better, the older I get the less time I have in a day, what is going on with that? Do you feel that way too? Do tell! Tomorrow I will be weighing in again, so I will post again on Monday. Sunday, April 30, 2023, was a great weigh-in, I lost 3.3 lbs, which is so exciting, I am down to 285 lbs, and little by little it is going down. Yesterday was Cinco de Mayo, I hope you all had a nice one. Ours was excellent, we made soft tacos with Mr. Tortilla, multigrain tortillas with 2 net carbs and 35 calories each, and quite delicious, check them out if interested. We used ground turkey and the usual things such as tomatoes, onions, sour cream, romaine lettuce, and shredded mozzarella cheese, and I had 1 Continue Reading