So the terrible hurricane has passed, and left it's destruction. I want to briefly talk about this, okay I think that's enough now lol, just kidding. No really we even lost our power for a few hours. I can't imagine what others are going through. We got ice, and prepared ourselves. IMHO, I think it's better to be prepared than to get caught without your pants down so to speak. Seriously I'm happy we were prepared, because you just never know. From what I heard, I can't remember how but at least 30 some people lost their lives, gosh that's horrible :(, my loving William still has no phone or internet at his work, sure they got electricity, but can you imagine how hard it is to run a business with those two missing services. I know Verizon and the power company are trying their hardest to get that turned on. I hope it's soon. I hate to see Continue Reading