I really don't know why I can't sleep. We went shopping yesterday, so I know I was tired from that. Can you be so tired that you can't sleep? Seems like that happened to me. I watched a few YouTube videos and then felt very sleepy, but then since I had been laying on my side, my shoulder was hurting, so I laid back on my back, and nothing, so I turned to one side .. nothing, then on my tummy .. and when I felt I was going to sleep, a part of my body jerked, and it wakes me, don't you just hate that? Seriously my brain must be on over drive or something, it's not letting me sleep, or is it? Because I don't feel myself really thinking? Hah, who does? Do you? I thought maybe it was my bed that was keeping me up so I read some reviews of the best mattresses and decided to get a good memory foam bed. Anyway, I hate when this happens, funny Continue Reading