Can you believe how fast this year has gone? And oh my goodness so much craziness going on. We really need our nation to heal. What is happening is unacceptable. I don't like talking about politics too much, but I just want the truth to come out, whatever it may be. God help us all. On a happier note. I am starting to see houses with Christmas lights, it is a time for cheer and we all need it badly. We aren't going to put up many lights this year, but we will be putting up a Christmas tree. We cannot have a real tree because we have cats, and if you have cats you shouldn't either. Please don't put a real tree, this is very dangerous for cats and dogs. I'll leave a link to a good article, please use good judgment, we all want a happy and safe Christmas. Continue Reading
What a Crazy, Busy, Happy Week/Month!
Wow, so my birthday was last week, in case anyone forgot lol. Which probably some did. Others can give 2 shits, but whatever *rolls eyes*. I had a very nice birthday week, online and offline. My honey always made it so special, all week long, bless his little heart! And my 2 girls, Daisy and Lily, they showered me with love, but that is an everyday thing, and I return the love as well. My honey asked me if I wanted to go to Olive Garden for my birthday dinner, but instead, we had Chinese, as it has been a long time since we had any. While we were out, we stopped at our favorite Chinese restaurant, China Lake in Somerset, Massachusetts. OH EM GEE, amazing food. We turned out getting enough for the next day as well, so it was awesome! I wanted to just be home with him and the girls, cozy and warm. Which is what we did. So I was very Continue Reading
Happy Leap Year Day!
Now how often do we get to say that? Every 4 years! Four years ago, I didn't blog on Leap Day, I'm going to make a point that I do, so this is my very first Leap Year day I post on, yay! I'm a member of GetGlue, it's a fun social network website, that I find myself drawn to not only online but on my phone or iPod, I admit it, it does get a little addicting but I can't help it. I enjoy the website so much that I made a fan listing for it, if you are a fan please join, follow this link *clickity*. Anyway, today GetGlue gave all its members (permitting they check into said topic) a Leap Year Day sticker, although it's only an image online, they actually send you it in real life, I think that's why it's attracting so many people, especially collectors of stickers. I wouldn't of said I was a collector of stickers, but now I am, at least of Continue Reading