We are into the new year now, and I am trying to stick to my new year's resolutions. Did I mention what they were? My first one is to read the Bible daily, and guess what? I haven't done that, yeah I disappointed myself. I do listen to daily prayer, but it is not the same, so that is going to have to change. Why is it I can stick to a diet, but not read the Bible every day? I have to, I need to do this. Dear Lord, please encourage and inspire me to read your word, I need you in my life. Before I go on. I need to do one thing. I am back. I just wanted to check in with a friend. I feel better now. I was going to talk about my sister but I decided not to. We are estranged sadly. Maybe another day. I pray she and her partner are doing well. Since starting my diet on January 3rd I believe, nope it is January 2nd I am keeping track Continue Reading