The ketogenic diet is a high-fat, adequate-protein, low-carbohydrate diet that in medicine is used primarily to treat difficult-to-control epilepsy in children. The diet forces the body to burn fats rather than carbohydrates. Normally, the carbohydrates contained in food are converted into glucose, which is then transported around the body and is particularly important in fueling brain-function. However, if there is little carbohydrate in the diet, the liver converts fat into fatty acids and ketone bodies. The ketone bodies pass into the brain and replace glucose as an energy source. An elevated level of ketone bodies in the blood, a state known as ketosis, leads to a reduction in the frequency of epileptic seizures. Almost half of children, and young people, with epilepsy who have tried some form of this diet saw the number of seizures Continue Reading
Weigh-in #15 ~ Meh!
So this wasn’t such a bad weigh-in, but I did gain, not a lot though, which I am happy about. I gained .04 lbs, not bad right? No, it’s not, but I didn’t want to gain anything at all. I’d rather not lose anything, than gain. But it is only 0.4 lbs, which is a big relief! I’m starting to eat regular meals not so much Lean Cuisine or Smart Ones, I don’t even like Smart Ones anymore, they just don’t have a large enough variety. Healthy Choice is another I like. But I don’t like having to spend extra money to get my meals. I have to learn to stay under my calories, when I eat everyday things, but on that same note. We try to buy things that are low in calories, like Salad Dressing, the kind I use now is only 15 calories for 2 tablespoons, nice right? So I try to look for things, that won’t break the bank so to speak :D And there you Continue Reading
Weigh-in #14 ~ Keep on Trucking
I’m not really post-dating, I did weigh in yesterday morning, and it’s Sunday today, so I am kind of post-dating the date. I usually call it posting about it over the same weekend, so yay! Even though I put yesterday's date, just for my own records, so I don’t get confused. I’ve been doing reasonably well, until Friday, when I goofed up. William texted me and asked if I felt like having a Subway, sandwich and I thought yay great! They have healthy sandwiches. We had a Subway sandwich a few weeks before, he asked me to email him what I’d like, and I am always a stickler for details and getting all the calorie counts. Well I waited until the last minute and I hadn’t done it yet, so I checked my email and copied an old email and sent him it, even though I read it said Teriyaki Chicken and that is yummy and I knew it would be. I glanced at Continue Reading