My birthday was 6 days ago, it was really nice because I spent it with the person I wanted to spend it with, my husband. My gosh, it's so weird calling William, my husband. But at the same time, a dream come true. I may not have had a big ideal wedding, but I am happy, and that is what counts. My mother passed away quite a few years ago, so it wouldn't have been the same. I won't lie, I would have wanted a bigger wedding, it just didn't happen and well that is just how the cookie crumbles sometimes. I have the perfect husband, and I will take that over a big wedding any day. He gave me a gorgeous bracelet for my birthday! Speaking of weddings, my sister-in-law announced her wedding at our little gathering we had to celebrate our nuptials. They plan to have a Las Vegas wedding. She has been married before, I believe her fiance has as Continue Reading
And The Weather Says …
It's going to be warmer than usual today and tomorrow, and a bit humid over the weekend, I suppose I am okay with that. I am not crazy about the humid weather, but because we will have a lot of cold coming soon, this is really nice to see and feel. I mean right now, the sun is bursting through my window, I have the blinds closed, but it's gorgeous. I had to quickly snap a picture with my phone, that doesn't even really show how lovely it looks as the sun comes through the blinds. I will be missing spring and summer, and looking forward to next years nice weather. So pretty, the next few days will be nice, maybe even BBQ weather, yay! William is always looking to do a little BBQing, so you never know. He said he may take Friday off, as we are looking at vehicles, he wants to get rid of his gas guzzling truck. I don't blame him either, Continue Reading
I Love Boston!
I sat here for a few seconds, thinking of what to title this. I mean so much has happened in the past few days, I don't know where to start. It's just all horrible, sad, depressing, scary, so many emotions going through oneself. Just today, there has been bomb threats, two I believe, turned out to be false. Still people are on the edge of their seats. What to think, what to do. I know life must go on. Speaking of so, my hunny was due to go into Boston the day or the Marathon for a meeting, but since it was going to be the marathon, they choose to put it off another day, then Tuesday came, and there was still a lot going on in Boston, that they put it off until today. I'm happy to say he is home with me, had his meeting earlier in the day, he texted me let me know he was going into Boston, and then after he left. So I felt a lot better. I Continue Reading