I am wowed by the thought of how fast time sped up from my last post in September to now in mid-December. Wow. Just Wow! I get so busy, that it flew by. I actually was very busy updating all my fanlistings over at Thislove.nu, that is where I keep all my fanlisting, just things that I like a lot, made into mini websites, and also other fanlistings other people run that I also like, it can be just about anything from coffee, to cats, to songs such as Amazing Grace. My script was outdated and so was my PHP, as a matter of fact, I just updated the PHP version on this website so it is more secure. So all that had me pretty busy. And to be completely honest, I paid the price by slacking in other areas that need my attention. Since it is Christmas time, I wanted to share a fanlisting I created for the short film A Charlie Brown Christmas, I Continue Reading
Hello September! Fall is Almost Here!
Nineteen days until the official first day of Fall! Wow, already so hard to believe. Just today I was looking out the kitchen window into the backyard and I saw a few leaves fall. I turned to William and told him, "I just saw a few leaves fall". He says "bite your tongue". Yeah, I don't think he is ready for Fall and to be quite honest, I'm not either. We are really enjoying our summer. During our Labor Day weekend, my honey as I like to refer to William spent some time doing some repairs to the house, not urgent repairs but things we wanted to fix, like our faucet in the bathroom needed replacing. We had recently had the bathroom redone, and by the way, it looks gorgeous. Back to the sink, yeah we used our old faucet and thought it was time for a new one, so a new went up. I like it, it matches the rest of the hardware in the Continue Reading
Happy Gobble Gobble Day!
Oh my, it's that time again. Wow how time flies, it was just Summer. Surprisingly I wasn't looking forward to Winter yet!! I love the snow but wanted a bit more warm weather. I wanted to say Happy Thanksgiving to everyone, and I hope you are spending it with loved ones, enjoy the festivities! I'm thankful for having a loving family, even though we aren't the closest right now, they are always in my thoughts and my heart. I hope to visit them in the coming year if God permits. As a matter of fact, I spoke with my oldest brother Eric and my dad yesterday, we said our Happy Thanksgiving messages, and my dad asked me if I had forgotten him, I said no never, even if we don't talk, you are always in my mind and heart and I love you. He recently had cancer, but is better now, still weak but doing good, my older brother is there to take care Continue Reading