I am really happy about getting my nail collection sorted, I like finding the things I will be using at really reasonable prices. Like from ebay, they have hoards of great stuff, and really super low prices, coming from like Hong Kong, China, it's incredible, most of them are free shipping too. So you know I pick up quite a bit there. On occasion I got to Michaels or Jo-Ann's and get stuff on sale, and yes I do buy reg priced items, but hey I try to use 40% off coupons when I can. From what I have seen, it's been 40% on one item which is really great, because I find stuff on sale, so I already am getting a discount, over all I have been very happy. What I would like to do next, is get acrylic powders and liquids from different companies and test them out and see how they are. As I had said before I started with less expensive product Continue Reading