This kitten showed up about 6 months ago and didn't really start coming around every day until about 3 months ago. The first time I saw him, he was so tiny, I saw him through my kitchen window, and I tried to snap a picture it didn't come out great, but you could see how small he was then. As with all the outside cats, dogs, or wild animals, I take the best pictures I can, as it is at random times, and most times are through windows. I keep a folder on my computer for each cat, and I name the ones that frequent the most, those are Lilo (saw him first, adorable Tortie), then Sammy (he was a teen cat then, he looks like a Ginger), and now Momo (a cute Ginger), they all seem to be boys. As I was saying, Momo, started to come around frequently, the first time I saw him he was tiny it was through the kitchen window and looked horrible but Continue Reading